In less than 3 weeks we will travel more than 700km to meet you in Rome!
encevis team will attend this year’s EEC2024 to discuss the latest innovations driving epilepsy research and care.
We’re excited to connect, collaborate, and push the boundaries of healthcare together.
See you there!
Author Archive: Malgorzata Wislowska
encevis integrated in the new Zeto One system
We are thrilled to congratulate our business partner, Zeto, on gaining FDA clearance for their innovative EEG headset system, Zeto One!
This cutting-edge technology incorporates AI algorithms from encevis for automatic seizure detection, marking a significant advancement in healthcare and technology.
Visit Zeto’s Website to learn more about this groundbreaking achievement:
encevis at the annual meeting of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epileptologie in Offenburg
Thrilled to be part of DGfE2024!
Swing by booth nb. 2 to discover our cutting-edge AI-based software for automatic epileptic siezure, spike, and trend detection.
Join us for discussions, collaborations, or introductions. Let’s revolutionize epilepsy care together!
Meet us at the 62nd DGfE meeting in Offenburg, June 12th-15th!
encevis team is packing up for Offenburg, where the 62nd annual meeting of DGfE is taking place next week.
We hope to see you there!
Strategy days of our Medical Signal Analysis Group
These are people behind development of encevis, ArcSolver, EpiSight Software, SmartPWA, and many other health-oriented solutions.
Our team is devoted to developing automated analysis of medical signals, and providing the best possible support for patients.
In our everyday work – as a part of AIT Austrian Institute of Technology – we transform state-of-the-art research into industrial innovation: TommorowToday!
encevis at the dHealth meeting in Vienna – part 2
dHealth 2024 is on – with wonderful people, great atmosphere, interesting presentations, and much more! 😎
encevis at the dHealth meeting in Vienna – part 1
Greetings from encevis team currently attending dHealth 2024!
Where digital health and health informatics enthusiast meet – is also our team. As well as many friends and partners of the encevis group.
If you are in Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna too, make sure to say hi!
Meet us at the dHealth meeting 2024 in Vienna, May 7th-8th!
encevis team is getting ready for the 18th dhealth conference, which takes place on 7-8.May in Apothekertrakt @ Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.
We hope to see you there!
👉 Webiste:
👉 Video:
👉 Programme:
encevis at London-Innsbruck Colloquium on Status Epilepticus and Acute Seizures in Salzburg
Seizure burden, epileptic spikes and seizures, artefacts, trends, sources – our team members show how to detect them in EEG automatically, quickly and reliably.
Tomorrow is our last day in London at the 9th London-Innsbruck Colloquium on Status Epilepticus and Acute Seizures – if you are there too, make sure to visit our encevis experts to say hello!
Presentation of results on automatic seizure burden estimation
Encevis team developed deep neural network algorithms capable of detecting electrographic status epilepticus with over 92% specificity and 85% sensitivity
Visit poster nb. 18 at London-Innsbruck Colloquium on Status Epilepticus and Acute Seizures to learn more!