encevis 1.7 released

The new encevis 1.7 has been released with an even more sensitive seizure detection! Detected seizures can now also be seen in the encevis EEG trending which enables you to observe how the seizure evolves. The new seizure detection differentiates between different types of seizures which makes your EEG review even more efficient. Another new feature in 1.7 is the spectrogram, that shows you the distribution of power into frequency components for any time intervall of your choice.

encevis 1.5 released

The new encevis 1.5 has been released. encevis offers now an online interface to the micromed EEG system. Additionally, a new trace based on the heart rate was added to the EEG trending encevis NeuroTrend. The heart rate trace is based on the EKG signal and enables you to recognize raises in the heart rate in a glimpse.